Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Countdown

10!9!8!7! we count the seconds remaining before the end of 2010, different tears and moments we have shared through this year appeared in my mind. And just like the others, we also celebrated 2011 happily and gladly.
Evey New Year, God always grant us strength and wisdom in order to surpass everyday challenges. And to start this 2011, I hope I will be more confident and try to avoid inferiority. Much as I could, I will change my bad attitudes in order to correct my past years mistakes. On the other side, last 2010 countdown, we were so busy for the preparation of Media Noche. Specially when my mother went in the market. For me, myo New Year will not be completed if there's no any firecracker to be lighted. So I bought ''piccolo'' and lighted it during the New Years eve.
So from now on, try to become a better person to all and give our smile to everyone. Again Happy New Year!!!!!